Dermatology Services

Special service to treat your pet’s skin conditions.

Irritation on your pet's skin can cause discomfort and, in many cases, lead to infections. We can provide expert dermatological services to determine what is causing flare-ups in your pet and how best to treat them. We will perform a physical exam along with diagnostic tests such as bloodwork, urinalysis, or culture swabs to diagnose the issue. Based on the diagnosis, we may prescribe medicated shampoos, topical medications, injections, or a special diet to manage their symptoms.

What are signs that my pet is having skin issues?

In most cases, it's easy to spot issues on your pet's skin, except for when they are hidden behind the ears or between their paws. Your pet's skin issues could stem from their diet, environment, diseases, and parasites. Here are the signs you should look out for:

  • Bumps, lumps, and sores
  • Itching and scratching
  • Smelly fur
  • Bald patches or excessive hair loss
  • Scabs or scaling
  • Redness or swelling of the skin

Can I treat my pet's dermatological problem at home?

We strongly discourage treating your pet's skin issues at home before consulting a veterinarian. With all the DIYs available on the internet, you may be tempted to try one. However, they may mask your pet's symptoms until they return much worse. It's important to have your pet accurately diagnosed before treating the unknown. To schedule an appointment for your pet, call 519-285-2116.

How can I prevent skin problems for my pet?

It's almost impossible to prevent dermatological issues in pets. Many things within your household and environment can trigger a reaction. The best approach is to eliminate certain risks where you can. For instance, ensure your pet is on a parasite prevention plan, to eliminate any chance of them getting infections which can show on their skin. Another thing to note is to be conscious of the foods you feed your pet when they develop skin problems as they may be allergic. Lastly, work with your veterinarian to assess what specific irritants could affect your pet.

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